Last month our friends at English Trackers and the Bookworm hosted the first translation slam in Beijing. Two translators go head to head, comparing their translations of a text (microfiction, blog posts, columns, poetry, and more) and fielding questions from the audience.

This month, they'll tackle the script from the play The Great Bruce Lee Romance: a Beijing Love Story. Full of love, angst and Beijing hua this original piece is sure to strike a chord with Beijingren of all nationalities.

It gets even better, we got 5 tickets to give away to our students! Send an email to with your name and mobile phone number, and with "Translation Slam" as subject line. The first 5 win, easy as that.

English Trackers

LocationThe Bookworm
Time: 7:30 pm, Wednesday, August 17th
Price: 20/30RMB