Hutong School is the no.1 choice for anyone looking to learn Chinese in London. Our team of highly qualified teachers and quality learning materials will help you quickly progress and achieve your personal or professional language learning goals.
Our Chinese courses have been specially designed to suit learners of different ages and levels. Browse our course types below to find the right one for you.
PRIVATE COURSELearn at your own pace and on your own schedule with our private door-to-door or online courses. Specially designed to suit your needs, these 1on1 sessions enable you to learn Chinese the way you want. | SPECIALIZED COURSELooking to learn about something in particular? Whether that’s Chinese for business, exam preparation or courses for your children, let us know, and we can design a customized course specially for you. |
All of our teachers are native Mandarin speakers with a minimum of 2 years teaching experience. They’ve all successfully passed an intensive training period and undergo a monthly evaluation. Each member of our teaching team has achieved a degree in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, has a passion for sharing their knowledge and culture, and possess excellent interpersonal skills. Many have taught Chinese abroad, equipping them with a deep understanding of how to communicate and tailor classes to suit students from different backgrounds.
Based on 18+ years’ experience teaching Mandarin, the unique Hutong School learning methodology has been proven to speed up the language learning process. By separating spoken Chinese from character recognition and promoting total immersion, we encourage students to start speaking from the very beginning. As you progress in spoken Chinese, you develop an understanding of the logic underpinning Chinese character construction and begin laying a solid foundation for character memorisation.