Learn Chinese in China
From 2 weeks to 1 year - come and live in Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Hangzhou, or Suzhou, to learn Mandarin and discover China in a completely immersive way
Study plans
Group & private, intensive & part-time schedule
Practical assistance, Visa support
Teaching experience
4 group classes a day
Every student has a one-on-one level assessment and study plan. Our teachers are not only distinguished by their academic achievements, but also by their interpersonal skills and devotion to teaching Mandarin Chinese.
Get personalized feedback on your learning progress from your course coordinator.
Because personalized teaching is the key to fast and effective results, we believe in small classes for the study of Mandarin Chinese, with an average of 4 or 5 students per class.
Hutong School can customize your program to make sure you get the best experience possible