Migrant Children’s Foundation Change Jar

Laura, one of our students, has been volunteering at Migrant Children’s Foundation (MCF) for their Beijing Buddies program.

She has come up with the idea of placing a change jar for charity in the Hutong School Business Center Branch. If we can all save our pocket change, we can really make a difference in the lives of a lot of children!

This is her letter:

Why do I write to all my Hutong School’s mates?
For 2 good reasons:
1. I invite you to join for one session, only one, and I promise you will have a good time with charming and sweet kids.
2. As a non-profit organisation, MCF always need donations to keep existing and help children.
So what?
Probably, as a lot of you, I NEVER user my small change, Mao bills and coins to be precise. Since I am in Beijing, I have put all this useless money in a pot….. and guess what, after 4 months, I’VE GOT 30 RMB!
How can you help?
I solicit you to be generous and start to save all you small change (even is it is only your 1 jiao coin) for 3 months (July 20th), or until you leave Beijing.
Where can you donate the money you’ve raised?
Please leave your change in the jar for charity in the Hutong School Business Center Branch.

Thank you for your generosity.

If you want to know something more about the Hutong School Volunteer Program, please visit our Volunteer in China page.

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Hutong School is now operating as That’s Mandarin. Now you can expect the same great Chinese lessons with access to online Chinese learning platform NihaoCafe.